
Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care is a gentle, natural treatment modality that can help your body heal itself without drugs or surgery.  By adjusting the upper cervical vertebrae to correct imbalances and misalignment, we relieve pressure on the brain stem and the spinal cord.  This allows nerve impulses to flow freely and improves communication between the brain and the rest of the body.  Restoring these important neural pathways allows your body's innate healing mechanisms to function as nature intended, restoring you to full health and wellness.

what to expect

Dr. Basarich believes that the best way to help her patients is by taking the time to understand them. Patients who start treatment at Basarich Chiropractic receive: 

  • complete patient history
  • extensive orthopedic and neurological exam
  • Thermographic Scan
  • competent patient diagnosis
  • individualized treatment plan

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conditions which have responded to

upper cervical care

Headaches Neck Pain Automobile Injury
Migraines Back Pain Sports  Injury
Fibromyalgia Arthritis Rotator Cuff Injury
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Joint Pain Sciatica
Cervical Vertigo TMJ Trigeminal Neuralgia
High Blood Pressure Dystonia Asthma
Cerebral Palsy Chronic Infections Attention Deficit Disorder
Arm Pain Constipation Depression
Digestive Problems Seizures Female Disorders
Fevers Flu Symptoms Herniated Disc
Hip Pain Knee/Leg Pain Learning Disabilities
Loss of Sleep Bell's Palsy Scoliosis